Monarch® DNA Gel Extraction Kit
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Monarch® DNA Gel Extraction Kit
A new version of this kit is now available, featuring upgraded spin columns. Migrate to the new Monarch Spin DNA Gel Extraction Kit (NEB #T1120).
- Replaced by Monarch® Spin DNA Gel Extraction Kit on December 31, 2024
- Catalog # T1020 was discontinued on December 31, 2024
Product Introduction
Quickly and easily purify DNA from agarose gels with high yields.
- Elute in as little as 6 μl
- Prevent buffer retention and salt carry-over with optimized column design
- Save time with fast, user-friendly protocols
- No need to monitor pH or add isopropanol
- Buffers and columns available separately
- Significantly less plastic used when compared with other kits
- Responsibly-sourced and recyclable packaging
Check out our Technical Note containing comprehensive insights into measuring and analyzing nucleic acids.
Featured Videos
View Video Library-
Monarch® DNA Gel Extraction Kit protocol
Tips for using the Monarch® DNA Gel Extraction Kit
How to recycle your Monarch® Kit components
NEB® TV Ep. 6 – Sustainability
Quick Tips - How can I efficiently elute large DNA fragments from agarose gels?
Quick Tips - How do I apply my elution buffer to the Monarch® nucleic acid purification column?
Quick Tips - Why is it important to melt the agarose prior to using the Monarch® DNA Gel Extraction Kit?
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Product Information
The Monarch DNA Gel Extraction Kit rapidly and reliably purifies up to 5 μg of concentrated, high-quality DNA from agarose gels. The kit utilizes a bind/wash/elute workflow with minimal incubation and spin times. The columns ensure zero buffer retention and no carryover of contaminants, enabling elution of sample in volumes as low as 6 μl. The buffers provided have been optimized, and do not require monitoring of pH. Unlike other kits, there is no need to add isopropanol to the melted agarose prior to loading on the column, saving you a step. Eluted DNA is ready for use in restriction digests, DNA sequencing, ligation and other enzymatic manipulations. Designed with sustainability in mind, Monarch kits use significantly less plastic and responsibly-sourced, recyclable packaging
View our videos on protocols, tips, and recycling Monarch.

- Elute in as little as 6 μl
- Prevent buffer retention and salt carry-over with optimized column design
- Save time with fast, user-friendly protocols
- No need to monitor pH or add isopropanol
- Buffers and columns available separately
- Significantly less plastic used when compared with other kits
- Responsibly-sourced and recyclable packaging
DNA Sample Type: | double-stranded DNA from agarose gels |
Binding Capacity: | up to 5 μg |
DNA Size Range: | ~50 bp to 25 kb |
Typical Recovery: | DNA (50 bp to 10 kb): 70–90% DNA (11–23 kb): 50–70% |
Elution Volume: | ≥ 6 μl |
Purity: | A260/280 > 1.8 |
Protocol Time: | 10 minutes of spin and incubation time |
Compatible Downstream Applications: |
ligation, restriction digestion, labeling and other enzymatic manipulations, library construction and DNA sequencing. |

- This product is related to the following categories:
Properties & Usage
- Elute in as little as 6 μl
- Prevent buffer retention and salt carry-over with optimized column design
- Save time with fast, user-friendly protocols
- No need to monitor pH or add isopropanol
- Buffers and columns available separately
- Significantly less plastic used when compared with other kits
- Responsibly-sourced and recyclable packaging
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Materials Sold Separately
Product Notes
- The kit should be stored at room temperature. Always keep buffer bottles tightly closed and keep columns sealed in the enclosed zip-lock bag. For information regarding the composition of buffers, please consult the Safety Data Sheets. Proper laboratory safety practices should be employed, including the use of lab coats, gloves and eye protection.
Protocols, Manuals & Usage
Usage & Guidelines
Application Notes
FAQs & Troubleshooting
- Can I purchase Monarch® buffers and columns separately?
- Can I use water to elute the DNA when using the Monarch Kits?
- What is the smallest volume of elution buffer that can be used with the Monarch DNA Cleanup Column?
- What factors affect my (A260/A230)?
- Are the columns in the Monarch PCR & DNA Cleanup Kit (5 μg) the same as the ones in the Monarch DNA Gel Extraction Kit?
- What is the composition of each buffer provided with the Monarch DNA Gel Extraction Kit?
- What is the maximum binding capacity of the Monarch DNA Cleanup Column provided in the Monarch DNA Gel Extraction Kit?
- Can I excise a fragment from a gel and store it for purification at a later time?
- What size of DNA can be purified with the Monarch DNA Cleanup Columns?
- What type of agarose gels are compatible with the Monarch DNA Gel Extraction Kit?
- After purification, I see a faint additional band running below the expected size on a gel. What happened?
- Are Monarch spin columns compatible with Vacuum Manifolds?
- I notice that I'm applying force to fit the column into a collection tube. Should I be doing this? What collection tubes are compatible with columns?
Low DNA Yield
- Reagents added incorrectly. Check protocol to ensure correct buffer reconstitution, order of addition for buffers and proper handling of column flow-through and eluents.
- Gel slice not fully dissolved. Small clumps of agarose may clog the column or interfere with DNA binding. Be sure to incubate the gel slice in the Monarch Gel Dissolving Buffer for the specified time and within the proper temperature range. Mix the sample and inspect periodically to monitor dissolution of the agarose.
- Gel dissolved above 60°C. The DNA may become denatured if incubated at higher temperatures than the specified range of 37–55°C.
- Incomplete elution during prep. Ensure the DNA Elution Buffer is delivered directly to the center of the column so that the matrix is completely covered and elution is efficient. Larger elution volumes and longer incubation times can increase yield of DNA off the column at the cost of dilution of the sample and increased processing times. For typical fragments below 10 kb, the recommended elution volumes and incubation times should be sufficient, unless the maximal yield is desired. For the purification of larger fragments, heating the DNA Elution Buffer to 50°C prior to eluting and extending the incubation time after buffer addition to 5 minutes can improve yield. Additionally, multiple rounds of elution can be employed to increase the amount of DNA eluted, at the expense of dilution of the sample.
- Gel slice not fully dissolved. Undissolved agarose may leach salts into the eluted DNA. Be sure to incubate the gel slice and the Monarch Gel Dissolving Buffer mixture for the specified time and temperature. Mix the sample and inspect periodically to monitor dissolving of the agarose.
- Ethanol has been carried over. Ensure final wash spin time is 1 minute to ensure complete removal of the wash buffer from the column and be careful when transferring the column to a new tube for elution step to ensure column tip does not contact column flow-through.
- Trace amounts of salts that produce low OD260/230 ratios can also be carried over during the elution step. Be careful when transferring column to new tube for elution step to ensure the column tip does not contact column flow-through.
Tech Tips
Learn how to extract DNA from agarose gels using the Monarch DNA Gel Extraction Kit.

Optimize your DNA gel extractions with our quick tips for using the Monarch DNA Gel Extraction Kit.

Learn how you can easily recycle all of the components in your Monarch Kits.

Citations & Technical Literature
Additional Citations
- Wang M, Wang B, Jiang K, Liu M, Shi X, Wang L. (2018) A mitochondrial manganese superoxide dismutase involved in innate immunity is essential for the survival of Chlamys farreri Fish Shellfish Immunol; PubMedID: 29127027
- Kose, S. H., Grice, K., Orsi, W. D., Ballal, M., and Coolen, M. J. L. (2018) Metagenomics of pigmented and cholesterol gallstones: the putative role of bacteria Sci Rep;
- Bornikoel J, Staiger J, Madlung J, Forchhammer K, Maldener I. (2018) LytM factor Alr3353 affects filament morphology and cell-cell communication in the multicellular cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 Mol Microbiol; PubMedID: 29437253
- Kang B, Peng B, Wu H, Liu L, Wu W, Gu Q. (2018) Host-associated selection of a P3 mutant of zucchini yellow mosaic virus affects viral infectivity in watermelon Arch Virol; PubMedID: 29426994
- Perniss A, Schmidt N, Gurtner C, Dietert K, Schwengers O, Weigel M, Hempe J, Ewers C, Pfeil U, Gärtner U, Gruber AD, Hain T, Kummer W (2018) Bordetella pseudohinzii targets cilia and impairs tracheal cilia-driven transport in naturally acquired infection in mice Sci Rep; 8(1):5681, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-23830-4
- Roussy M, Bilodeau M, Jouan L, Tibout P, Laramée L, Lemyre E, Cardin S, Sauvageau C, Couture F, Choblet A, Patey N, Gendron P, Duval M, Teira P, Hébert J, Wilhelm BT, Choi JK, Gruber TA, Bittencourt H, Cellot S. (2018) NUP98-BPTF gene fusion identified in primary refractory acute megakaryoblastic leukemia of infancy Genes Chromosomes Cancer; PubMedID: 29427526
- Hua Yang, Silvia Jenni, Milena Colovic, Helen Merkens, Carlee Poleschuk, Isabel Rodrigo, Qing Miao, Bruce F. Johnson4, Michael J. Rishel4, Vesna Sossi, Jack M. Webster, François Bénard and Paul Schaffer (2017) F-5-Fluoroaminosuberic Acid as a Potential Tracer to Gauge Oxidative Stress in Breast Cancer Models. J Nucl Med; PubMedID: 5331935
- Zhang Y, Tanner N. (2017) Isothermal Amplification of Long, Discrete DNA Fragments Facilitated by Single-Stranded Binding Protein BioTechniques; 1–8, PubMedID: 28819114, DOI: 10.2144/btn-2024-0012
- Adam Waalkes, Kelsi Penewit, Brent L. Wood, David Wu, and Stephen J. Salipante (2017) Ultrasensitive detection of acute myeloid leukemia minimal residual disease using single molecule molecular inversion probes. Haematologica; PubMedID: 28572161
- Hannah G. Reich, Deborah L. Robertson, Gretchen Goodbody-Gringley (2016) Do the shuffle: Changes in Symbiodinium consortia throughout juvenile coral development. PLOS One; PubMedID: 28182684
- Zhang Y, Tanner N. (2017) Isothermal Amplification of Long, Discrete DNA Fragments Facilitated by Single-Stranded Binding Protein BioTechniques; 1–8, PubMedID: 28819114, DOI: 10.2144/btn-2024-0012
Quality, Safety & Legal
Quality Assurance Statement
Quality Control tests are performed on each new lot of NEB product to meet the specifications designated for it. Specifications and individual lot data from the tests that are performed for this particular product can be found and downloaded on the Product Specification Sheet, Certificate of Analysis, data card or product manual. Further information regarding NEB product quality can be found here.Specifications
The Specification sheet is a document that includes the storage temperature, shelf life and the specifications designated for the product. The following file naming structure is used to name these document files: [Product Number]_[Size]_[Version]Certificate Of Analysis
The Certificate of Analysis (COA) is a signed document that includes the storage temperature, expiration date and quality controls for an individual lot. The following file naming structure is used to name these document files: [Product Number]_[Size]_[Version]_[Lot Number]- T1020S_L_v1_0051612
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Products and content are covered by one or more patents, trademarks and/or copyrights owned or controlled by New England Biolabs, Inc (NEB). The use of trademark symbols does not necessarily indicate that the name is trademarked in the country where it is being read; it indicates where the content was originally developed. The use of this product may require the buyer to obtain additional third-party intellectual property rights for certain applications. For more information, please email product is intended for research purposes only. This product is not intended to be used for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes in humans or animals.
New England Biolabs (NEB) is committed to practicing ethical science – we believe it is our job as researchers to ask the important questions that when answered will help preserve our quality of life and the world that we live in. However, this research should always be done in safe and ethical manner. Learn more.
The supporting documents available for this product can be downloaded below.