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BIOKE delivers innovative instruments for life science research

The following instruments fit perfectly into our product ranges. Our unique portfolio enables us to provide you the complete package of consumables needed for your total workflow.

Microfluidic Droplet Generators

  • Microfluidic system ONYX

    Designed to be reliable, flexible, and easy to use, Onyx is a complete solution for any lab wanting to adopt droplet microfluidics technology

  • Microfluidic system STYX

    Styx is a high-throughput screening platform that enables droplet cytometry and on-demand droplet manipulation applications

  • Semi-permeable capsule Generator

    Semi-Permeable Capsules are a breakthrough technology designed to support multi-step molecular analysis, even those that require a harsh lysis step, without loss of single-cell compartmentalization


  • Labcycler Pro Gradient

    The Labcycler Pro Gradient from SensoQuest is a high-quality, intuitive and robust Gradient thermocycler equipped with a completely renewed user network-interface. The instrument comes with 5 years of warranty.

  • Labcycler Pro Basic

    The Labcycler Pro Basic from SensoQuest is a high-quality, intuitive and robust thermocycler equipped with a completely renewed user network-interface. The instrument comes with 5 years of warranty.

  • Labcycler / Labcycler 48

    The Labcycler from SensoQuest is a high-quality, intuitive and robust thermocycler that comes with 5 years of warranty.

Heat Sealer Machine for Heat Sealing plates in the lab

  • Automated Roll Heat Sealer

    The Automated Roll Heat Sealer completes our heat sealing range by providing the perfect solution for automated heat sealing of medium to high-throughput or full automation applications.

  • Semi-Automated Sheet Heat Sealer

    The Semi-Automated Sheet Heat Sealer which is compatible with a wide range of seals and plates of differing designs and heights.

Plate Reader

  • The Absorbance 96

    The Absorbance 96 is a uniquely designed, solid state microplate reader with 96 detection units. Being portable and by far the most compact reader on the market, the Absorbance 96 constitutes an exciting new category of plate reader.

  • Luminescence 96

    Using 96 highly sensitive silicon photomultipliers, Luminescence 96 is an entirely new type of luminometer. Its ultra-compact design at its unprecedented price makes Luminescence 96 accessible to every lab.

  • Luminescence 96 Automate

    Luminescence 96 Automate is the only truly on-deck plate luminometer in the world. ​Easily integrated, it enables end-to-end automation of any luminescence workflow

Cellular Biology products and equipment

  • LunaCrosslinker™

    The LunaCrosslinker™ is a visible light crosslinking system designed to cure LunaGel™ Photocrosslinkable Extracellular Matrices. High power LEDs facilitate rapid and cell-friendly crosslinking and the stiffness of LunaGel™ Matrices can be adjusted by simply changing the duration of photocrosslinking – easy!

    The MARS family of instruments provides a breakthrough solution to complete the workflow of cell separation and enrichment. MARS SP workflow offers gentle sample treatment, with no need for centrifugation. With fewer sample handling steps, it provides high recovery and high viability of the enriched cells with minimal reagents use.

    The MARS family of instruments provides a breakthrough solution to complete the workflow of cell separation and enrichment. Integrated label-free sample preparation, concentration and immuno-magnetic cell selection provide users the flexibility necessary for robust assay optimization.
  • MARS Bar

    The MARS family of instruments provides a breakthrough solution to complete the workflow of cell separation and enrichment. With parallel processing of up to 3 samples, bags compatible holding arm, and the sample flow rate of 1 mL/min, MARS Bar and MARS Bar Flex modules allow for hands-off analysis of a large variety of volumes and samples in a short time.
  • Tapestri single cell multi-omics platform

    The first and only single-cell multi-omics platform developed to reveal biomarkers that help stratify patients, signal resistance, and predict relapse.
  • BioXP 3250 System

    The fully automated benchtop synthetic biology workstation for discovery biology
  • BioXP 9600 System

    Telesis Bio is empowering researchers to accelerate the creation of novel synthetic biology solutions to address some of humanity’s greatest challenges

3D Cell Culture

Cell Counting and Viability

  • CASY - Cell Counter and Analyzer

    The CASY Cell Counter and Analyser combine all advantages of non-invasive, dye-free cell analysis with an ultra-durable hardware, easy to operate and nearly maintenance free.


Tissue Dissociation

Ultrasonic Liquid Processors

  • Q800R3

    The Q800R3 is the 2nd generation DNA and Chromatin shearing system. High throughput DNA and Chromatin shearing.

  • Q2000

    The Q2000 offers the ability to process industrial scale sample volumes in individual batches or flow through applications.

  • Q55 Sonicator

    The Q55 is a compact and cost effective ultrasonic processor that will occupy less bench space than any unit on the market.

  • Q500 Sonicator

    The Q500 is a powerful ultrasonic processor featuring programmable operation and a digital display of operating parameters.

  • Q125 Sonicator

    The Q125 is a microprocessor based, programmable ultrasonic processor. 

  • Q700 Sonicator

    The new Q700 is the most technologically advanced sonicator available today.

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