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Automated Roll Heat Sealer

Product information
Code Name Size Quantity Price
Automated Roll Heat Sealer, includes adapters A (4ti-0665-2) and B (4ti-0665-3)
1 piece    - Unavailable in your region
Automated Roll Heat Sealer Adapter, adapter A
1 unit    - Unavailable in your region
Automated Roll Heat Sealer Vacuum Cups, back, set of 2
2 pieces    - Unavailable in your region
Automated Roll Heat Sealer Adapter, adapter B
1 piece (64x38x40)    - Unavailable in your region
Automated Roll Heat Sealer Plastic Tweezers; 1 pair
1 piece    - Unavailable in your region
Automated Roll Heat Sealer Vacuum Cups, front, set of 2
2 pieces    - Unavailable in your region
Automated Roll Heat Sealer Seal Loading Tool, 1 per case
1 piece    - Unavailable in your region
Automated Roll Heat Sealer Adapter Elevator, for use with very low skirted microplates, 1 adapter per case
1 adapter    - Unavailable in your region
Automated Roll Heat Sealer Dust Cover, clear plastic roll
1 piece    - Unavailable in your region
Automated Roll Heat Sealer Roll Holder Set. 1 kit
1 piece    - Unavailable in your region
Automated Roll Heat Sealer Adapter, lightweight, for low skirted microplates, 1 adapter per case
1 adapter    - Unavailable in your region
Automated Roll Heat sealer Adapter, lightweight, for high skirted microplates, 1 adapter per case
1 adapter    - Unavailable in your region
Automated Roll Heat Sealer SiLA Driver
1 license (for 1 computer)    - Unavailable in your region
Automated Roll Heat Sealer Adapter, lightweight, for 384 well microplates, 1 adapter per case
1 adapter    - Unavailable in your region
Automated Roll Heat Sealer Adapter, lightweight, for 96 well microplates, 1 adapter per case
1 adapter    - Unavailable in your region

Automated Roll Heat Sealer

The Automated Roll Heat Sealer completes our heat sealing range by providing the perfect solution for automated heat sealing of medium to high-throughput or full automation applications.

Crucially the Automated Roll Heat Sealer does not require an air supply allowing for flexible use on standard lab benches as stand-alone unit, or integrated within a robotic set-up. The sealer has a rapid heating element, for fast start-up, and has a stand-by function, to save energy when not in use.

The Automated Roll Heat Sealer works with a wide range of plates from 384well and 24well PCR plates, to deep well or storage plates with an SBS footprint. Different plate heights, from 3mm to 60mm, can be accommodated with minimal adjustments on the instrument. Plates are presented in portrait format and the plate position on the shuttle allows good access for robotic integration.

Standard size, 78mm width rolls, can be loaded in either of two roll positions depending on roll length and available space enabling the entire instrument to fit under the gantry of many liquid handling robots.

The Automated Roll Heat Sealer doesn’t produce any sealing material waste. The roll width covers an SBS footprint microplate and the seal is cut at the end of the plate leaving only minimal overhangs to allow for easy removal of the seal, but not interfering with plate stacking.

For our range of sealing materials see our Heat Seals page. Sample rolls are available on request.


• No air supply needed
• Saved sealing protocols
• Auto stand-by function to save energy
• Compatible with a wide range of the plate types, including 1536well PCR plates
• Rapid heating element for fast start-up
• Optional cover
• 2 roll positions depending on available space and roll size
• Sealing cycle time of less than 15sec
• Up to 5000 seals without manual intervention

Technical Specification

Weight: 25 kg
Voltage: 110/230V
Maximum power consumption: 750W
Power saving mode: less than 20W
Sealing Temp: 120-200C
Sealing Time: 0-10sec
Connection: RS-232 serial port


Request more information

The supporting documents available for this product can be downloaded below.

Brochure / Flyer Reference Sheet - A4S
Brochure / Flyer Heat Sealing Foils & Films
Brochure / Flyer Heat Sealing Selection Guide
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