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An application note about automated purification of viral RNA with Tecan's Resolvex A200 positive pressure workstation and MACHEREY-NAGEL's NucleoSpin 96 Virus Kit.
With targeted panels becoming an excellent alternative for whole exome and genome Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) there is an increasing need for highly flexible and optimized custom panels. The NEBNext Direct technology in conjunction with NextGENe software represents a high-quality solution for generation and analysis of sequencing data for identification sequence variants present in a user-friendly manner.
The Qsonica Q800R2 Sonicator offers an alternative method for mechanical DNA fragmentation for Illumina TruSeq® Library Preparation Kits.
NEB has evaluated a number of restriction enzymes for simple genomic DNA fragmentation in droplet digital PCR assays. This list is not meant to be exhaustive, but provides a starting point for validated enzymes with some simple usage guidelines. Each restriction enzyme listed below was successfully used for a ddPCR digest directly in the Bio-Rad® Droplet Digital SuperMix.
Read this publication in Nature Communications about the successful RNA purification for downstream RNA sequencing with the NucleoSpin RNA Plus Kit.
Forward genetic screens are powerful tools for the unbiased discovery and functional characterization of specific genetic elements associated with a phenotype of interest. Recently, the RNA-guided endonuclease Cas9 from the microbial CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) immune system has been adapted for genome-scale screening by combining Cas9 with pooled guide RNA libraries. Here we describe a protocol for genome-scale knockout and transcriptional activation screening using the CRISPR-Cas9 system.
Read about the advantage of using NucleoBond Endotoxin Free Plasmid DNA from MACHEREY-NAGEL to avoid endotoxicity in virus production and mammalian cell culture.
Struggling with DNA isolation from hard-to-lyse samples? Up to 60% more DNA compared to standard extraction methods.
Qsonica offers several devices routinely used for shearing Chromatin and DNA. The Q800R system is our most advanced option and offers the highest throughput. In addition, the Q700 and Q125 are very popular and effective alternatives.
Probe sonication is highly effective for processing nanomaterials (carbon nanotubes, graphene, inks, metal oxides, etc.). Sonicators have become the industry standard for different applications.
Cell lysis, tissue disruption and homogenization are common Sonicator applications. The ultrasonic energy output of each Sonicator model is adjustable and sonication parameters can be optimized according to your process requirements.
This application note describes how to assembly multiple fragments and have 100% correct clones.
A PhD student working at the Department of Immunology at the University Medical Center Utrecht shares her positive experience with the NucleoBond Xtra Midi Kit from MACHEREY-NAGEL
Visualization of Wnt receptor internalization by SNAP-tag technology from New England Biolabs (NEB)
In this application note we describe the use of the Gibson Assembly™ Master Mix from New England BioLabs (NEB) together with gBlocks™ Gene Fragments from Integrated DNA Technologies (1) for the creation of a basic cloning vector for IP3R research.
Marjorie Mercier, a scientist in Brussels, shares her positive experience with Q5 High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase for the amplification of the IgM variable region.
Colette Duez of the Center of Protein Engineering/ULg shares her positive experience with Q5 High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase for the amplification of a GC-rich (73%) insert of 1.4 kb from bacterial origin.
Mrs. Evy Vanderheyden, working at the VIB/KULeuven Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology department shares her positive experience with Q5 High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase for the robust amplification of genomic yeast DNA.
Improved methods for site-directed mutagenesis using Gibson Assembly Master Mix from New England Bioloabs