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Nanoparticle Dispersion with Qsonica Sonicators

Probe sonication is highly effective for processing nanomaterials (carbon nanotubes, graphene, inks, metal oxides, etc.). Sonicators have become the industry standard for:

  • Dispersing
  • Deagglomerating
  • Particle size reduction
  • Particle synthesis and precipitation
  • Surface functionalization


Different Sonicators for this application

Q700  Q500  Q1375


Visit complete library of publications and protocols


Probe Sonicators versus Ultrasonic Cleaner Baths

Probe Sonicators are many times more powerful and effective than ultrasonic cleaner baths. A cleaner bath takes hours to accomplish what a probe Sonicator can do in minutes. Please see the following article excerpt:

Dispersions in vitals (a) have coagulated CNTs in the body and at the bottom by means of bath sonication for 8 hrs, (b) appear free-homogenous with probe sonication for 3 minutes, and (c) keep free-homogenous even after 4 months of sitting at room temperature. The concentration of MWCNTs is 2500 mg/L and the MWCNTs/SDS ration is 1:10. (d) MWCNTs of (c) was diluted to 25 mg/L with deionized water.


It is clear that MWCNTs are not completely soluble in water by using bath Sonicator for 8 hrs; there was much sedimentation of MWCNTs at the bottom of a small bottle (Fig. a). Upon operating 20 kHz applied by a probe Sonicator, the MWCNTs are entirely dispersive in aqueous solution, forming a homogeneous-free solution (Fig. b). Remarkably, there is no sedimentation observed even after four months of sitting at room temperature (Fig. c).


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