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Sorting of Semi-Permeable Capsules using the Styx Platform

Cellular phenotypes are intricately linked to the genetic program expressed under specific environmental conditions. Existing flow cytometry techniques face challenges in reliably recovering specific cells based on their nucleic acid content. Consequently, there's a need for innovative tools for nucleic acid-based cell isolation. Nucleic acid cytometry is a relatively new field based on droplet microfluidics that allows the identification and sorting of cells based on specific nucleic acid biomarkers.

Taking it a step further, semi-permeable capsules (SPCs) enable the complex processing of thousands of individual cells, including cell lysis, nucleic acid purification, and detection. Thanks to their stability, SPCs allow accessing nucleic acids from any cell type. Here's why you should consider SPCs for your nucleic acid cytometry experiment:

  • Chemical stability – SPCs withstand harsh chemical treatment, making them compatible with a wide range of cell lysis buffers.
  • Thermal stability – SPCs are much more stable than water-in-oil droplets in PCR.
  • Multi-step processing – perform multiple manipulations with cellular nucleic acids retaining cell compartmentalization.

Importantly, capsules can be sorted based on fluorescence signals generated using fluorescently-labeled PCR primers. After simple reemulsification, SPCs are amenable to droplet sorting on the Styx platform. In comparison to FACS, Styx offers greater flexibility in terms of compatible SPC sizes, with multiple sorting chips available.

Learn how fluorescent SPCs can be sorted on the Styx platform and download the technical note


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