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NucleoMag DNA Forensic

Product information
Code Name Size Quantity Price
NucleoMag DNA Forensic
1x 96 preps    - Unavailable in your region
NucleoMag DNA Forensic
4x 96 preps    - Unavailable in your region

Magnetic-bead based isolation of genomic DNA from forensic samples (e.g., casework samples, contact traces)

• Excellent DNA purity from all casework samples
• Uniform buffer system for high throughput analysis (NucleoMag® DNA Forensic) and single sample analysis  
  (NucleoSpin® DNA Forensic
• Conformity to ISO 18385 for doubtless DNA profiling


The new MACHEREY-NAGEL DNA Forensic series perfectly matches requirements of forensic laboratories. Use either NucleoMag® DNA Forensic magnetic-bead based kit for automated nucleic acid isolation in high throughput formats (HTP) or the  NucleoSpin® DNA Forensic kit with spin column technology for individual samples. Uniform buffer chemistry for spin - or magnetic bead based technology facilitates highest flexibility for each individual case.  

flowchar nucleomag nucleospin dna forensic

Choose between both techniques without the loss of quality.

compatibility nucleomag nucleospin dna forensic

Equivalent gDNA recovery at a constantly high level

DNA was isolated from various sample material simultaneously with our NucleoMag® DNA Forensic kit (dark blue bars) and NucleoSpin® DNA Forensic kit (light blue bars). The comparable results of both kits demonstrates the flexible use due to uniform buffer chemistry. Depending on your purification technology preference you can choose the optimal kit. The NucleoMag® DNA Forensic kit for high throughput (HTP) application, or the NucleoSpin®  DNA Forensic kit for manual single spin preparation.

The NucleoMag® Forensic kit provides a manual and automated purification of DNA using proven NucleoMag®magnetic-bead technology. The kit is designed for different forensic samples with low or high DNA content. A new and special lysis buffer in the kit allows the isolation of DNA from casework samples, contact traces or buccal swabs. Inhibitors are completely removed from all samples that positive and reliable STR profiles can be generated from the forensic samples.

If sample carriers, such as buccal swabs are used, it is necessary to remove the carrier after incubation with the lysis buffer in an efficient and convenient way. Here, the NucleoSpin® Forensic Filters are recommended. The filters allow a long term incubation of lysis buffer and sample, with an easy and fast separation by centrifugation afterwards.

The NucleoMag® product family is based on magnetic-bead technology. Nucleic acids are bound to the magnetic beads under chaotropic salt conditions, contaminants are washed away with ethanolic wash buffers, and pure DNA can be eluted from the beads using elution buffer. 

The NucleoMag® technology can be easily adapted to common liquid handling instruments. It can be used either with static-pin separators (e.g.,  NucleoMag® SEP ) or magnetic separators integrated into robotic workstations. For more information on adapting any NucleoMag® product to your workstation, please contact your local distributor or MACHEREY-NAGEL directly.

NucleoMag® DNA Forensic procedure

NucleoMag® DNA Forensic procedure

Technology Magnetic-bead technology
Format Highly reactive superparamagnetic beads

Manual or automated

Sample material

Casework samples, contact traces (e.g., dried blood spots, cigarette filters, swabs)

Typical yield e.g., 1 - 3 µg from buccal swabs
Typical concentration < 1 ng/μL
Elution volume 25–50 µL
Binding capacity 0.4 µg/µL beads



• Manual and automated isolation of DNA from forensic samples            
• STR analysis, qPCR, any kind of enzymatic reaction  

* Kits to be used for research purposes only

For more detailed information and documents, click here.

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