Product Class: Other

Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase
NEBU cloned at NEB recombinant No hotstart pcr 5

A glycerol-free format of EpiMark® Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase (NEB #M0490) is available. Contact us for more information.

Product Introduction

The industry standard with hot start performance

  • Ideal for routine PCR applications and molecular diagnostics
  • High specificity and sensitivity
  • Aptamer-based hot start technology avoids nonspecific amplification and enables room temperature reaction setup
Catalog # Size Concentration
M0495S 200.0 units 5000 units/ml
M0495L 1000.0 units 5000 units/ml

Product Information


Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase is a mixture of Taq DNA Polymerase and an aptamer-based inhibitor. The inhibitor binds reversibly to the enzyme, inhibiting polymerase activity at temperatures below 45°C, but releases the enzyme during normal cycling conditions, allowing reactions to be set up at room temperature. This aptamer-based hot start does not require a separate high temperature incubation step to activate the enzyme. Taq DNA polymerase possesses a 5´→3´ polymerase activity1,2,3 and a 5´ flap endonuclease activity4,5.

It is supplied with 10X Standard Taq Reaction Buffer, which is detergent-free and designed to be compatible with existing assay systems.

Product Source

An E. coli strain that carries the Taq DNA Polymerase gene from Thermus aquaticus YT-1.
This product is related to the following categories:
Taq DNA Polymerase Products,
This product can be used in the following applications:
Colony PCR,
Multiplex PCR,
Specialty PCR,
Routine PCR,

Reagents Supplied

Reagents Supplied

The following reagents are supplied with this product:

NEB # Component Name Component # Stored at (°C) Amount Concentration

Properties & Usage

Unit Definition

One unit is defined as the amount of enzyme that will incorporate 15 nmol of dNTP into acid insoluble material in 30 minutes at 75°C.

Reaction Conditions

1X Standard Taq Reaction Buffer Pack

1X Standard Taq Reaction Buffer Pack
10 mM Tris-HCl
50 mM KCl
1.5 mM MgCl2
(pH 8.3 @ 25°C)

Storage Buffer

10 mM Tris-HCl
100 mM KCl
1 mM DTT
0.1 mM EDTA
50% Glycerol
1X stabilizers
pH 7.4 @ 25°C

Heat Inactivation


Unit Assay Conditions

1X ThermoPol® Reaction Buffer, 200 µM dNTPs including [3H]-dTTP and 15 nM primed M13 DNA.

Application Features

  • High-specificity PCR
  • Routine PCR
  • Microarray Analysis
  • Colony PCR


  1. Chien, A., Edgar, D.B. and Trela, J.M. (1976). J. Bact.. 127, 1550-1557.
  2. Kaledin, A.S., Slyusarenko, A.G. and Gorodetskii, S.I. (1980). Biokhimiya. 45, 644-651.
  3. Lawyer, F.C. et al. (1993). PCR Methods and Appl.. 2, 275-287.
  4. Longley, M.J., Bennett, S.E. and Mosbaugh D.W. (1990). Nucleic Acids Res.. 18, 7317-7322.
  5. Lyamichev, V., Brow, M.A. and Dahlberg, J.E. (1993). Science. 260, 778-783.
  6. Sun, Y., Hegamyer, G. and Colburn, N. (1993). Biotechniques. 15, 372-374.
  7. Sarkar, G., Kapelner, S. and Sommer, S.S. (1990). Nucleic Acids Res. 18, 7465.

Protocols, Manuals & Usage


  1. PCR Using Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase (M0495)
  2. A-Tailing with Taq Polymerase

Usage & Guidelines

Tools & Resources

Web Tools

FAQs & Troubleshooting


  1. What ends will my PCR products have?
  2. What are Hot Start and WarmStart® polymerases and when would I use them?
  3. How should I determine the appropriate annealing temperature for my reaction?
  4. What should the final primer concentration be in my PCR?
  5. What are the properties of this polymerase (fidelity, product ends, max amplicon, modified base incorporation, etc.)?
  6. What are the stability and storage requirements for NEB's Taq and OneTaq DNA Polymerases?
  7. Is this Taq DNA Polymerase product compatible with other NEB Buffers?
  8. Can Taq/OneTaq® DNA Polymerases be used for nick translation?
  9. How can I optimize my PCR when using Taq DNA Polymerase?

Quality, Safety & Legal

Quality Assurance Statement

Quality Control tests are performed on each new lot of NEB product to meet the specifications designated for it. Specifications and individual lot data from the tests that are performed for this particular product can be found and downloaded on the Product Specification Sheet, Certificate of Analysis, data card or product manual. Further information regarding NEB product quality can be found here.


The Specification sheet is a document that includes the storage temperature, shelf life and the specifications designated for the product. The following file naming structure is used to name these document files: [Product Number]_[Size]_[Version]

Certificate Of Analysis

The Certificate of Analysis (COA) is a signed document that includes the storage temperature, expiration date and quality controls for an individual lot. The following file naming structure is used to name these document files: [Product Number]_[Size]_[Version]_[Lot Number]

Safety DataSheets

The following is a list of Safety Data Sheet (SDS) that apply to this product to help you use it safely.

Legal and Disclaimers

Products and content are covered by one or more patents, trademarks and/or copyrights owned or controlled by New England Biolabs, Inc (NEB). The use of trademark symbols does not necessarily indicate that the name is trademarked in the country where it is being read; it indicates where the content was originally developed. The use of this product may require the buyer to obtain additional third-party intellectual property rights for certain applications. For more information, please email

This product is intended for research purposes only. This product is not intended to be used for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes in humans or animals.

New England Biolabs (NEB) is committed to practicing ethical science – we believe it is our job as researchers to ask the important questions that when answered will help preserve our quality of life and the world that we live in. However, this research should always be done in safe and ethical manner. Learn more.


Notice to Purchaser: Nucleic acid-based aptamers for use with thermophilic DNA polymerases are licensed exclusively by New England Biolabs, Inc. from SomaLogic, Inc. New England Biolabs, Inc. gives the Buyer/User a non-exclusive license to use the Hot-Start Taq DNA Polymerase for Research Use Only (RUO). Commercial use of this product may require a license from New England Biolabs, Inc. For additional information or to inquire about commercial use, please contact


NEW ENGLAND BIOLABS® and THERMOPOL® are registered trademarks of New England Biolabs, Inc.

PRIMERSELECT™ is a trademark of DNAStar, Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, USA.