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August 18, 2017 State College PA - SoftGenetics announced that it has purchased the assets of Mitotyping Technologies, originally founded by Terry Melton, from Health Network laboratories of Allentown PA. The addition of Mitotyping Technologies furthers SoftGenetics goal of becoming a dominant source to the world-wide DNA forensic community, which in addition to Mitotyping Technologies includes software tools for STR Analysis, Mitochondrial and STR analysis of nextgeneration data and the soon to be released MaSTR™ continuous mixture probabilistic software.
Nina Fosnacht, current CFO of SoftGenetics, who will be taking on additional responsibilities as the Chief Operating Officer of Mitotyping Technologies, commented “I’m absolutely thrilled about acquiring such a highly-respected company with advanced expertise in mitochondrial DNA analysis and also excited to announce that we have retained most of the current team of analysts and technicians, led by Gloria Dimick, who are truly passionate about what they do and so happy to be able to devote all of their energies to Mitotyping again”.
In addition to retaining a passionate and highly experienced staff, Dr. Mitchell Holland, Assistant Professor Penn State University has agreed to be Scientific Advisor to the company, which combined with SoftGenetics strengths in DNA sequence analysis and chemistries, provides a very strong technical and service oriented base.
Mitotyping Technologies for over 20 years has been an acknowledged leader in forensic and anthropological analysis of the mtGenome, being principle analysis partner in the first exoneration via mitochondrial DNA analysis:
“William Gregory was arrested, charged, and sentenced for the attempted rape of a woman in his apartment complex after the victim identified him in a suspect line-up. There was no evidence except for six head hairs discovered in panty hose taken from the victim’s apartment for use as a mask. At the 1993 trial, a hair microscopist stated that the hairs could have come from Gregory, and this testimony was helpful to the prosecution. Post-conviction testing was performed in 2000; the six hairs shared the same mitochondrial DNA profile but had a different mtDNA profile from that of Gregory and the victim. He was released from prison shortly after testing. The case remains unsolved. This case was the first U.S. case in which mitochondrial DNA aided an exoneration.”
Mitotyping Technologies has developed unique scientific methodologies that provide over a 95% success rate on challenged, degraded or hair evidence, as small as 2 mm.
Gloria Dimick, a long time Lead Forensic DNA Analyst who has over 19 years’ experience with Mitotyping Technologies with 3 different owners, states “I’m so excited to focus exclusively again on the superior mitotyping technology that we have developed over the years and to be able to focus on providing superior service to our customers, old and new. It will be a
huge advantage to be owned by a company that is local and knowledgeable in the forensics field”.