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New England Biolabs joins EMBL's Corporate Partnership Programme

Collaboration aims to strengthen training opportunities in the latest technologies for young researchers

IPSWICH, Mass. and HEIDELBERG, Germany, July 25, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- The EMBL Advanced Training Centre (ATC) welcomes New England Biolabs (NEB®) as its newest member of their Corporate Partnership Programme. Founded in the mid-1970s as a collective of scientists committed to developing innovative products for the life sciences industry, NEB is a recognized world leader in the discovery, development and commercialization of recombinant and native enzymes for genomic research.

"The success of the EMBL network over the years is quite impressive and convincing – not only for basic research, but also in the level of services that are being offered to the scientific community. This includes training courses that help introduce new technologies to the field," says Thomas Moellenkamp, General Manager of New England Biolabs GmbH. "We are excited to work with EMBL to help provide opportunities for young researchers to advance their training."

"NEB's support for molecular biologists is longstanding and considerable. Their innovative solutions for genomic research will strengthen our portfolio of advanced training," says Vladimir Benes, Head of the Genomics Core Facility at EMBL. "We very much look forward to a successful and collaborative partnership with NEB,"  adds EMBL's program coordinator Antonio Costantino, "Their participation in the Corporate Partnership Programme will help EMBL to financially support science meetings in emerging fields, enabling young scientists to participate in courses and conferences held at the EMBL Advanced Training Centre."

NEB joins a group of world-leading corporate partners who participate in the Corporate Partnership Programme as EMBL's platform for fostering advanced training collaborations and community building initiatives connecting industry to academia.

For more information on upcoming training opportunities at EMBL, visit

About New England Biolabs 
Established in the mid 1970's, New England Biolabs, Inc. (NEB) is the industry leader in the discovery and production of enzymes for molecular biology applications and now offers the largest selection of recombinant and native enzymes for genomic research. NEB continues to expand its product offerings into areas related to PCR and qPCR, gene expression, sample preparation for next generation sequencing, synthetic biology, glycobiology, epigenetics and RNA analysis. Additionally, NEB is focused on strengthening alliances that enable new technologies to reach key market sectors, including molecular diagnostics development. New England Biolabs is a privately held company, headquartered in Ipswich, MA, and has extensive worldwide distribution through a network of exclusive distributors, agents and seven subsidiaries located in Canada, China, France, Germany, Japan, Singapore and the UK. 


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