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New England Biolabs

Largest selection of recombinant and native enzymes for genomic research


Company Profile

Founded in the mid-1970s as a collective of scientists committed to developing innovative products for the life sciences industry, New England Biolabs (NEB) is now a recognized world leader in the discovery, development and commercialization of recombinant and native enzymes for genomic research.

New England Biolabs – Putting science first

Created "by scientists for scientists", NEB is renowned for consistently providing exceptional product quality and unsurpassed technical support. For over four decades, NEB has been shaping the landscape of bioscience research by discovering, developing and supporting superior research reagents. In addition to NEB’s commitment to scientific innovation and customer relations, NEB notably ensures the environmental sustainability of the company’s business practices. Our passion is our promise.

A supplier-of-choice for scientists across the globe, NEB offers the largest selection of recombinant and native enzymes for genomic research. Currently, NEB supplies over 283 restriction enzymes. These recombinant enzymes are available at a lower cost/unit and offer improved purity and lot-to-lot consistency. A recognized leader in the field of restriction enzymes, NEB has earned a world-wide reputation for setting the highest standards for quality and value.

While restriction enzymes remain part of NEB’s core product portfolio, their ever-expanding catalog also includes products related to PCR, gene expression, cellular analysis, RNA analysis, epigenetics and Next Generation Sequencing (NGS). NEB has opened up the field of NGS library prep with innovative, reliable kits that are platform independent and easily automated.

Are you interested in more information? Below you will find a selection of applications.

NEBNext Sample & Library Preparation for Next Generation Sequencing

Cloning & Synthetic Biology

Genome Editing

DNA Amplification, PCR & qPCR

BIOKÉ is the exclusive distributor of New England Biolabs in The Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. Contact us if you have any questions about New England Biolabs products or compatibility.

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