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Pioneering non-animal models for accelerated health outcomes.

Company profile

Founded in 2018 in Brisbane, Australia, Gelomics is a pioneering biotechnology company revolutionizing drug development and biomedical research by enabling the cultivation of human tissue models in vitro. The company is dedicated to accelerating therapeutic breakthroughs by providing scientists with ethical, cost-effective, and predictive alternatives to animal testing.

Gelomics' flagship product, the LunaGel 3D Tissue Culture System, uses photocrosslinkable extracellular matrices to recreate the natural environment surrounding cells. This innovative system facilitates the growth of three-dimensional tissue models, thereby enhancing the traditional value of cell-based research and reduce reliance on animal experimentation.


Distribution Announcement

Learn more about the Gelomics products



Watch the Video: Create 3D Cell Culture Models in 15 minutes




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