Overview : NextGENe - NGS data analysis
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NGS data analysis
NextGENe is the perfect analytical partner for the analysis of desktop Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) data produced by the ION PGM™, Roche Junior, Illumina MiSeq as well as high throughput systems as the Ion Torrent Proton, Roche FLX, Applied BioSystems SOLiD™ and Illumina® platforms. NextGENe software runs on a Windows® Operating System, which provides a biologist-friendly point & click interface, and does not require scripting or other bioinformatics support. NextGENe software employs unique sequencing platform specific technologies in one free-standing multi-application package.
NextGENe Applications:
Variant Detection
- SNP/INDEL Analysis
- Somatic Mutation Analysis from Whole Exome Sequencing Data
- Trio and Multi-Sample Variant Comparison
- Prediction and Rare Disease Discovery
- HLA Analysis
- Whole Genome Alignment
- SNP & INDEL discovery with Ion Torrent PGM & Proton data
Targeted Re-Sequencing Analysis
- NEBNext Direct Panel Analysis
- PCR Duplicate Removal Using UMIs
- ThunderBolts Panel Analysis
- Targeted Re-Sequencing
CNV Detection
- Copy Number Variation (CNV) Analysis
- CNV Tool
- Batch CNV Tool for NGS MLPA® Analysis
- Sensitive Aneuploidy Detection (SAD™) Tool
Transcriptome Analysis
- Transcriptome/RNA-SEQ: Expression and Alternative Splicing Analysis
- miRNA, Chip-Seq, Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE) & Digital Gene Expression (DGE) Analysis
- Automation Analysis & Reporting Pipeline
- Automated, Custom reporting of Analysis and QC of NGS sequencing
- Annotation Tracks
- NIST Genome Analysis
- Pathway Studio
- Annotated Reference Genomes
- de novo assembly
- Human Identity (Forensic) Analysis
NextGENe is designed in a biologist friendly Windows® environment significantly reducing the need for additional bioinformatics resources and costs. NextGENe utilizes low cost 64-bit Windows OS based hardware.
Technical Support
- Licensing options, suggested hardware configuration and current released version
- Literature
- Manuals and Application Notes click Supporting Documents (top of page)
- Contact details Technical Support
Trial, Quote or Webinar Request Form
The supporting documents available for this product can be downloaded below.