For rapid medium scale purification of DNA from blood
NucleoSpin® Blood L is designed for the rapid, medium scale preparation of highly pure genomic DNA from up to 2 mL whole blood, serum, plasma, or other body fluids. Buffy coat up to 1 mL can be processed easily. If enrichment of leukocytes is not possible, for example after freezing of blood which leads to lysis of cells, large volumes of blood samples have to be processed. The obtained DNA can be used directly as template for PCR reactions or can be subjected to endonuclease digestion.
Due to the high binding capacity of the NucleoSpin® Blood L Columns, which is about 250 μg of genomic DNA, the kit allows preparation of pure genomic DNA from up to 2 mL of human or animal whole blood with an A260/A280 ratio between 1.70 and 1.90. Typical DNA yields – depending on the concentration of leukocytes in the respective blood sample – are in the range of 20–30 μg per ml of healthy human blood. Blood treated either with EDTA, citrate, heparin, or CPDA can be used. The procedure is optimized for a sample volume of 0.5–2 mL. Time for preparation of genomic DNA from blood with NucleoSpin® Blood L is less than 1 hour.
Nucleospin® Blood XL is designed for the rapid, large scale preparation of highly pure genomic DNA from up to 10 mL whole blood, serum, plasma, or other body fluids. Buffy coat volumes up to 2 mL can be processed easily. The obtained DNA can be used directly as template for PCR reactions or can be subjected to endonuclease digestion.
The binding capacity of the NucleoSpin® Blood XL columns is about 700 μg of genomic DNA. The kit allows preparation of pure genomic DNA from 2–10 mL of human whole blood with an A260/A280 ratio between 1.7 and 1.9. Typical DNA yields – depending on the concentration of leukocytes in the respective blood sample – are in the range of 20–30 μg per ml of healthy human blood. Blood treated either with EDTA, citrate, heparin, or CPDA can be used. Time for preparation of genomic DNA from blood with NucleoSpin Blood XL is approximately 1 hour.
NucleoSpin® Blood L |
NucleoSpin® Blood XL |
Technology |
Silica-membrane technology |
Format |
Midi spin columns |
Maxi spin columns |
Sample material |
0.2–2 mL whole blood
2 x 107 cultured cells |
2–10 mL whole blood
108 cultured cells |
Fragment size |
200 bp–approx. 50 kbp |
200 bp–approx. 50 kbp |
Typical yield |
40–60 µg |
200–300 µg |
A260/A280 |
1.6–1.9 |
1.6–1.9 |
Typical concentration |
200–500 ng/µl |
200–500 ng/µl |
Elution volume |
120–200 µl |
600–1000 µl |
Preparation time |
~60 min/prep |
~60 min/prep |
Binding capacity |
250 µg |
700 µg |