Overview: NEBNext for NGS Sample Prep & Target Enrichment
Product information
High-quality, high-yield library preparation is a critical first step towards optimizing your next generation sequencing (NGS) workflows. The NEBNext® product line is a series of highly pure reagents for both DNA and RNA sample prep, as well as target enrichment of DNA for NGS. NEBNext kits are carefully designed and QC’d to improve yields and library diversity, using a broad range of input amounts from a wide variety of sample types. Recently, a novel enzyme-based DNA fragmentation system was added to enable streamlined DNA fragmentation, end repair, and dA tailing with a single enzyme mix; this kit, the NEBNext Ultra II FS DNA Library Prep Kit (NEB #E7805), enables reliably high-quality and high-yield library construction with as little as 100 pg of input DNA.
For those looking for a more targeted approach, NEBNext provides NEBNext Direct® for target enrichment. This unique hybridization-based technology enables high-sensitivity variant calling with a speed and precision previously only feasible using multiplex PCR-based approaches. For convenient customization, NEBNext Direct Custom Ready Panels offer ready-made, optimized baits for over 850 targets, enabling faster time to targeted results. For sequence-based target genotyping applications in plant, animal and human, the NEBNext Genotyping Solution enables pre-capture pooling of up to 96 samples for cost-effective and scalable genotyping of up to 5,000 genomic markers. Request your sample.
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