BIOKÉ Webshop

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Your credentials are incorrect or you are trying to login with a non-existing webshop account. Our website shows product prices without login! Therefore webshop accounts that were only used to view prices have been deleted.

Please create a new account with your shipping and billing details if you would like to be able to order or view your discount.

Webshop under construction

Due to technical maintenance the webshop is closed until January 3, 2025. We wish you a successful 2025!

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Don't worry. Enter your username and we will send you a link to reset your password if an associated user is found.

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Have trouble resetting your password? Contact us and we will help you.

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You will receive an e-mail from us containing your new password in the coming minutes.

Please change your password to something memorable and secure upon logging in.


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Technical Support


Let the technical support team help you with your research

Our technical support team consists of professionals with hands-on lab-experience in the life science industry, specifically in the field of cell biology, protein analysis and genomics. Each member has their own specialism so that you get optimal support for every product. Together they have the knowledge and expertise to help you tackle every scientific question.

Contact information

T. 31 (0)71 7200 200

Technical questions

Please complete and submit the form below. The Technical Application Specialist will contact you as soon as possible.
Click here for technical support on Cell Signaling Technology products and services.


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