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Monarch® Nucleic Acid Purification Kits -
Your solution for nucleic acid purification

Purification of DNA and RNA is an essential step in many molecular biology workflows, including enzyme digests, transformation, electrophoresis, RT-PCR, RT-qPCR and library preparation for next gen sequencing. Monarch kits enable quick and easy purification of high-quality DNA and RNA, suitable for use in a variety of downstream applications. Recover pure, intact DNA and RNA in minutes with fast, user-friendly protocols and optimized buffer systems, and focus your time on the experiments that will drive your research forward.

Try a Monarch® Sample

Plasmid Purification (Miniprep)

  • Quickly and easily purify 20 µg of plasmid DNA from bacterial cultures
  • Eliminate buffer retention and elute in ≥30 µl
  • Track progress with our easy-to-use colored buffers

Monarch Plasmid Miniprep Kit (T1010)


DNA Cleanup and Gel Extraction

  • Quickly purify DNA (50 bp to 25 kb) after enzymatic reactions and from agarose gels
  • Simple PCR cleanup in just 5 minutes
  • Elute in as little as ≥6 µl
  • Ensure no buffer carryover with unique column design
  • Purify oligos, ssDNA and small DNA fragments with a simple protocol modification

Monarch DNA Gel Extraction Kit (T1020)
Monarch PCR & DNA Cleanup Kit (T1030)


Genomic DNA Purification

  • Purify high quality genomic DNA (gDNA) from a broad range of sample types (cells, blood, tissues, and more)
  • Achieve excellent yields with extremely low (typically <1%) residual RNA contamination (RNase A is included)
  • Isolate high molecular weight gDNA (peak size typically ≥50 kb)
  • Take advantage of user-friendly protocols with fast and efficient lysis steps

Monarch Genomic DNA Purification Kit (T3010)


High Molecular Weight DNA (HMW DNA) Extraction

  • Quickly and easily isolate HMW DNA from cells, blood, tissues, bacteria, and other sample types
  • Achieve DNA into the Megabase (Mb) size range
  • Tune the size of isolated DNA by adjusting the agitation speed during lysis
  • Obtain best-in-class yields of highly pure and intact DNA, with efficient RNA removal
  • Experience excellent performance in long read sequencing

Monarch HMW DNA Extraction Kit for Cells & Blood (T3050)
Monarch HMW DNA Extraction Kit for Tissue (T3060)


Total RNA Extraction and Purification

  • Purify total RNA from multiple sample types (blood, cells, tissues and more) with a single kit
  • Includes DNase I and gDNA Removal Columns for efficient DNA removal
  • Effectively purify RNA of all sizes, including small RNA (<200 nt)

Monarch Total RNA Miniprep Kit (T2010)

RNA Cleanup

  • Purify RNA from various reactions including in vitro transcription (IVT), DNase I treatment, labeling and capping
  • Clean up and concentrate RNA after enzymatic reactions and after extraction protocols, including TRIzol®
  • Obtain clean RNA in minutes with fast and simple protocols
  • Select from 3 binding capacities: 10 µg, 50 µg and 500 µg

Monarch RNA Cleanup Kit (10 μg) (T2030)
Monarch RNA Cleanup Kit (50 µg) (T2040)
Monarch RNA Cleanup Kit (500 µg) (T2050)


Try a Monarch® Sample


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