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NucleoSpin DNA Insect

Product information
Code Name Size Quantity Price
NucleoSpin DNA Insect
10 preps    - Unavailable in your region
NucleoSpin DNA Insect
50 preps    - Unavailable in your region


The NucleoSpin® DNA Insect

The NucleoSpin® DNA Insect kit is a new kit for the purification of genomic DNA from fresh, frozen, dried or ethanol preserved insect or crustacean samples. The isolated DNA is used for genotyping, sequencing or any other common application.
The NucleoSpin® DNA Insect kit utilizes NucleoSpin® Bead Tubes Type D (steel beads; included in kit) in combination with a common disruption device, e.g., MN Bead Tube Holder, or a swing mill in order to lyse different cell types and tissues within a single procedure. Alternative NucleoSpin® Bead Tubes can be ordered separately if needed.

NucleoSpin® DNA Insect procedure

NucleoSpin® DNA Insect procedure


DNA Insect Bead Tube DNA Insect Mini Green


  •  Suitable for any insect or crustacean sample – high quality DNA from fresh, frozen, dried or ethanol preserved specimen
  • NucleoSpin® Bead Tubes for efficient lysis of an exoskeleton included  compatible with the most common disruption devices
  • Fast and convenient procedure



Silica-membrane technology combined with NucleoSpin® Bead Tubes Type D


Mini spin columns

Sample material

< 40 mg fresh, frozen, dried, or ethanol preserved insect / crustacean sample

Fragment size

200 bp–approx. 50 kbp

Typical yield

< 25 µg (varies by sample and disruption device)



Elution volume

25–200 µL

Preparation time

35 min/6 prep

Binding capacity

60 µg

For more detailed information and documents, click here.

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