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Due to technical maintenance the webshop is closed until January 3, 2025. We wish you a successful 2025!

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MACHEREY-NAGEL sample - NucleoSnap DNA RapidLyse

The isolation of genomic DNA (gDNA) from tissues like mouse tails or other mammalian organs and even from cells can be a time-consuming task. Try now the new NucleoSpin® DNA RapidLyse kit with a unique buffer chemistry to minimize your expenditure of time, work, and money.

  • Powerful lysis – one hour maximum
  • Available in single spin and HTP format
  • High quality for low price


Request your free sample* today and experience the speed yourself!

Fill in your details below and we will ship the sample to your lab.


* This promotion is valid for laboratory in the Netherlands . Only 1 sample per department. While stocks last. No cash or cash equivalent. Offer may not be applied to existing, pending or prior orders. Cannot be combined with any other promotions or discounts. BIOKÉ reserves the right to change or terminate the promotion without notice at any time.

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