BIOKÉ Webshop

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Webshop under construction

Due to technical maintenance the webshop is closed until January 3, 2025. We wish you a successful 2025!

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Gelomics' 3D Cell Culture Technology

Gelomics' 3D Cell Culture Technology

Accelerating drug discovery with human-accurate models. From groundbreaking research to life-saving therapies, explore how Gelomics is transforming drug development with LunaGel’s 3D cell culture technology.

The World’s 1st Contact Imaging System

Struggling with obtaining good images of your western blots? Meet the Touch Imager, the world’s first lens-free contact chemiluminescence western blot imaging system from our new brand e-Blot.


Technical Support

Contact our Technical Application Specialists for product related questions:
E. | Contact form

Customer Support

For questions about (online) orders and other customer support you can reach us at:
E. | Contact form
T. +31 (0)71 7200 220 | T. Belgium 0800-71640

Our team will digest your questions faster than most enzymes!

The smallest platereader

Byonoy offers world's most compact microplate reader at an affordable price.


Streamlined for Speed

The three new NEBNext UltraExpress library prep kits from New England Biolabs make your libraries faster with streamlined workflows and smarter enzyme mixes. Request your sample

Let's Meet

Meet the BIOKÉ Team

We would like to let you know that if you need any support with your research, we’re happy to help!

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